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Ain Soph Inter-dimensional School of Light Technology© (ISOLT), created to enable participants to consciously integrate and experience their multi-dimensional existence, the true nature of self and life.  


Life operates through that which physicists call the Unified Field of Consciousness (UFC) also known as the Global Grid Matrix.​  UFC is a construct of consciousness that pervades all of life, and 'all that is' manifesting through this field of consciousness. 


Ain Soph (ISOLT) practices  enable participants to interface with the UFC through their multi-dimensional light body system via the sphere of Ain Soph: Infinite Intelligence, Wisdom of our Sophionic nature. 


The school's energetic construct is formed of matrices of pure immaculate light keys and codes of Ain Soph.  All of our programs are run through the field of Ain Soph which promotes decoding, re-templating and correction of the multi-dimensional blueprint template (MBT). Inter-dimensional co-working with different aspects of self, other beings and energy forms allows knowledge, wisdom, gifts and talents to be re-established.


Successful decoding, re-templating and correction of our multi-dimensional blueprint template is dependant on the integration and embodiment of light within your light body system. 

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The state of your multi-dimensional blue-print template relates to the light keys and codes activated and the level of distortion it has been the subject of. This reflects one's own consciousness, not an intellectual-based consciousness, but the consciousness of one's evolved state of being.


All of our courses and programs are delivered through the sphere of Ain Soph that is within the void of creation and  projected through the grids of consciousness into all realities..


Known universally as the Inter-Dimensional School of Light Technology© (ISOLT), this school may be accessed through your Merkabah if your access codes are active. The energetic imprint of our school spans over 2 areas of this planet, the first situated over the Ethiopian Highlands, the source of the  Blue Nile, and the second part over the Kailash Mountains in Nepal.

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