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Multi-dimensional templating® supports the integration of the multi-dimensional blue-print so the emotional, mental and physical self can come into balance and oneness. The therapy works with a 15-sphere template pattern that adjusts, re-aligns and integrates the whole light body system and blue-print template. 


The LIGHTBODY system blueprint which includes the physical body (the physical expression of our blueprint) consists of electro-magnetic, scalar waves, prana, light, colour, sound, multiple path lines, multiple existences, multiple worlds, multiple states of being, multiple consciousness and multiple dimensions etc.  These form multiple templates consisting of morphogenic & poly-morphogenic fields that relate to our vibrational, atomic, molecular, cellular, crystalline structures of the physical body.  Our multi-dimensional blueprint template in this existence and paradigm is composed of 144,000 templates that are intricately intertwined into a complex matrices that forms our unique signature and patterning.  We currently work with 144 core templates, each sphere within a template possesses it's own intricate multiple-dimensional template, giving rise to templates within templates that reflects our infinite existence.

During times of physical, emotional or mental trauma, the light body blueprint becomes distorted, thus dysfunctional due to miasms in your morphogenic field pre-disposing the physical body to dis-ease.  Blueprint distortions often arise from physical or psychological trauma caused by surgical procedures, harsh therapies & treatments that affects the body, mind and emotions.


It is common to only focus on physical or psychological rehabilitation. We tend to forget, or are unaware of the other subtle parts of ourselves that make up at least 95% of our blue-print which needs rehabilitation, restoration back to it's original blueprint template. 


Multi-dimensional templating is a non-invasive, non-contact therapy where the therapist works with your 15 dimensional light body blue-print, adjusting and aligning it back to its original template using correct light keys and codes contained within the sphere of Ain Soph.


This process is orchestrated by each of the 15 templates as they all have their own consciousness and requirements.  Practitioners work according to each of the templates' needs that is transmitted by light keys and codes (also known as light language). Purification, detoxification and adjustment of the physical and non-physical body occurs, which is entirely orchestrated by the client's own consciousness once directed. 


The practitioner is the vessel or the channel through which this process is facilitated. They cannot make these changes for you.  These changes permeate through the layers of consciousness into the physical body and out into your reality. This means that you will need to embody the changes through your psyche, physical body and life circumstances for a shift of consciousness and re-alignment to occur.


This therapy is suitable for all illnesses, conditions, addictions, destructive and dysfunctional behaviour and general well-being, and is very beneficial after any kind of surgery or treatment.  Practitioners work energetically, there is no need for you to be present or you can receive this therapy in a virtual therapeutic setting via zoom, skype, etc.


Duration:    60 to 90 minutes

Exchange:  £120:00

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