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The foundation of all our therapies, workshops and courses are based upon the re-templating of our multi-dimensional blueprint template (MBT) and is invested in the development of our self-sufficient nature. This occurs through utilising light technology, the restoration of correct light keys and codes that restores the MBT back to it's original state according to infinite intelligence and wisdom of Ain Soph.


The Light body system reflects your entire existence, psyche and consciousness and includes your physical, etheric, astral, atomic, mental, causal bodies and the source of your being.  This system of light ranges from dense compact light (physical body) to diffuse un-refracted light (causal body) to no light, void and source. It is also composed of an array of sound frequencies, electromagnetic fields, scalar waves and an inordinate amount of consciousness that is not yet known to man;    forming part the Multi-dimensional Blueprint Template (MBT).


The multi-dimensional blueprint template (MBT) is composed of complex matrices consisting of an infinite number of templates interwoven with each other creating an infinite number of realities.  Within this paradigm and existence there's at least 144, 000 templates weaving through this 15 dimensional consciousness. 


MBT is pure consciousness and therefore can be easily corrupted if your consciousness becomes distorted. This can occur for many reasons including any form of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual abuse &  trauma arising from cultural, religious, socio-economic and political regimes.


Distortions within the MBT are basically disturbances in your energetic fields, particularly electromagnetic imbalances within the mind (that gives rise to emotional states), and in your poly-morphogenic and morphogenic templates. These disturbances cause miasms, which are the progenitors of disease in the atomic physical body (the densest part of the light body system).


Re-templating, in conjunction with changing one's patterning, clears distortions that arise throughout the MBT and supports the soul to align with the consciousness of the over-soul, allowing you to manifest your full multi-dimensional potential.


Knowledge and wisdom from one's own unique spiritual lineage starts to reveal itself as the MBT is restored and integrated.  


Re-templating allows you to see and release energetic patterns that are created when trauma or any sort of programming and manipulation occurs, so that your perspective, health and well-being are no longer impacted. 


This is particularly useful for those who offer any sort of treatment or therapies including doctors and nurses. The re-templating and integration of your MBT system supports you to provide an objective, integrated care and treatments without the subjective constraints of institutional, personal and social pressures that are faced daily.


Universal attributes are promoted through a regime of self development and re-templating, that gives rise to universal consciousness.  This provides profound self-realisations, giving you the skills to reflect your true nature and to see yourself and others from an entirely new universal, multi-dimensional perspective: A comprehensive view of self, colleagues, family, friends, society and life.


Not an easy process, but one that has long term benefits and impacts your entire reality and existence.

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